
Top 2 Jokes Made About My Name Version

Despite having a pretty straight-edge, European name, people have still managed to find stupid jokes to crack about it.

2.) Tim Lovett? Do you “love it” LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!111

Sigh…terrible. Yes, yes I do love it. Now leave me alone.

1.) Tim Lovett? Are you related to Jon Lovitz? LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!111

Seriously, how can someone be that stupid? 'Lovitz' is neither spelled nor pronounced the same as 'Lovett'. I mean, you’d think the obvious choice would be to ask if I were related to Lyle Lovett (I’m not), and yet, I’ve been asked about my possible relation to Jon Lovitz far more often.

Or is it that Lyle Lovett is just too unknown and insignificant?

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